? Karate Dan Ranking
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Karate Dan Ranking

Many countries seem to issue different types of dan certificates.

  1. Dan issued by a dojo (from a dojo owner to its students)
  2. Dan issued by a local, or national organization
  3. Dan issued by an international organization

It is enjoyable having these certificates for passionate karate practitioners. Taking this opportunity, I would like to bring forward the documents on ranking left to us by Master Asai.

Dan conditions

As the foundation, it is important that the following five Dojo-kun are met.
Those whose karatedo training history is over 2 years, as well as those who are certified for 1-kyu can apply for Shodan trial.


Shodan is granted to those who have acquired these basic techniques of karate and manage to use them.

基本 Basic

  1. 三本突き前進 Sanbon-tsuki Zenshin(forward)
  2. 上げ受けより前蹴り逆突き後退 Ageuke to Mae-geri, Gyaku-tsuki (backward)
  3. 3 外受け前屈立ち猿臂騎馬立ち裏拳前屈立ち逆突き前進 Sotouke-zenkutsu-dachi, Enpi-Kiba-dachi, UraKen-zenkutsu-dachi,Gyaku-tsuki-zensin (forward)
  4. 手刀受け後屈立ち前蹴り(前脚)、貫手前屈立 Shuto-uke-kokutsu-dachi-maekeri (Maeashi), Nuki-te-zenkutsu-dachi
  5. 内受けより刻み突き逆突き前進 Uchi-uke to Kizami-tsuki-zenshin Gyaku-tsuki (forward)
  6. 廻って下段払い、前蹴り廻し蹴りの連蹴り (Turn) Gedan Barai, Ren-geri of Mae-geri, Mawashi-geri
  7. 廻って前蹴りより横蹴込み(同じ足)(Turn) Mae-geri, to Yoko-kekomi (the same leg)
  8. 騎馬立ち横蹴上げ横蹴込み Kiba-dachi, Yoko-keage, Yoko-kekomi
  9. 廻し蹴り・後蹴り(前進) Ren-geri of Mawashi-geri Ushiro-geri
  10. 上段外受け・横により足下段払い・前足前蹴り・逆突き(前進) Jodan-sotouke,yokoni-yoriasshi-gedannbarai,maeashi-maegeri,gyaku-tsuki(forward)

型 Kata

  1. 指定型 Designation
    平安二段〜五段、鉄騎初段 Heian Nidan ~ Godan, Tekki Shodan
  2. 指定型 Designation
    順路初段〜五段 Jyunro Shodan〜Godan
  3. 得意型 Tokui-Kata (Specialty/best form)

組手  Kumite

  1. 自由一本組手 Jiyu Ippon Kumite (上、中段追突き Jodan, Chudan Oi-tsuki
  2. 前蹴り、横蹴り、廻蹴り Mae-geri, Yoko-geri, Mawashi-geri,Ushiro-geri)


2-dan is granted to those who have acquired these basic techniques of karate, and manage to use them.

基本(今まで習得した技術に加えて) Basic (in addition to already acquired skills)

  1. 刻み突き、三本連突き Kizami-tsuki, Sanbon-tsuki(Rentsuki)
  2. 刻み突き、前蹴り、追突き Kizami-tsuki, Mae-geri, Oi-tsuki
  3. 廻って下がって揚げ受けより、廻し蹴り(後ろ足)、裏拳、追い突き (Turn) step backward, Age-uke to Mawashi-geri (with the hand & leg), Ura Ken, Oi-tsuki
  4. 後ろ蹴り、裏拳、逆突き、横蹴込み、廻し蹴り、後蹴り左右 Ushiro-geri, Ura Ken, Gyaku-tsuki, Yoko-kekomi, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri (right & left)
  5. 前蹴り、横蹴込み、廻し蹴り、後蹴りMae-geri, Yoko-kekomi, Mawashi-geri, Ushiro-geri
  6. 逆突きのコントロール Control of Gyaku-tsuki

型 Kata

  1. 指定型 Designation
    慈恩  ジオン Jion
    抜塞(大) バッサイダイ Bassai (Dai)
    燕飛  エンピ Enpi
    観空(大)カンクウ Kanku (Dai)
  2. 指定型 Designation
    順路初段〜順路五段 Jyunro Shodan〜Godan
  3. 得意型 トクイカタ Tokui-Kata (Specialty/best form)

組手 Kumite

  1. 自由組手 Jiyu Kumite


3-dan is granted to those who are devoted to mental training in completing one’s character, have realized the general techniques of karatedo, understand the principles, and are able to deliver these techniques without difficulty.

基礎(今まで習得した技術に加えて) Basic (in addition to already acquired skills)

  1. 手技:追込み(連続攻撃)Tewaza:Oikomi(continue)
  2. 足技:追込み(連続攻撃)Ashiwaza:Oikomi(continue)
  3. 手足合せて:追込み(連続攻撃)Te/Ashi : Oikomi(continue)

型 Kata

  1. 指定型 Designation
    抜塞(大) バッサイダイBassai (Dai)
    燕飛  エンピ Enpi
    観空(大)カンクウ Kanku (Dai)
    慈恩 ジオン Jion 
    十手 ジッテ Jitte
    半月 ハンゲツ Hangetsu
    岩鶴 ガンカク Gankaku
    順路初段〜5段 Jyunro
  2. 選定型 Self Selection 常行一勢〜五勢 Jokou 1sei〜5 sei
  3. 得意型 トクイカタ Tokui-Kata (Specialty/best form)

組手 Kumite

  1. 自由組手 Jiyu Kumite


4-dan is granted to those who are devoted to mental training in completing one’s character, possess leadership, have realized the general techniques of karatedo, understand the principles, and are able to deliver these techniques and their adaptations without difficulty. Must also show basic leadership.

型 Kata

  1. 指定型 Designation
    松濤流26形・順路初段〜順路五段 Shoto 26 Kata・Junro shodan〜godan
  2. 選定型 Self Selection 常行一勢〜五勢 Jokou 1sei〜5sei
  3. 得意型 トクイカタ Tokui-Kata (Specialty/best form)

組手 Kumite

  1. 自由組手 Jiyu Kumite


5-dan is granted to those who are devoted to completing one’s character, and are exemplary to disciples and juniors in everyday life. They show high-level karatedo techniques as well as research and development of original skills.

型 Kata

  1. 指定型 Designation
    松濤流26形・順路初段〜順路五段 Shoto 26 Kata・Junro shodan〜godan
  2. 選定型 Self Selection
    常行一勢〜五勢 Jokou 1sei〜5sei 鶴翼初段〜三段 Kakuyoku shodan〜sandan
  3. 得意型 トクイカタ Tokui-Kata (Specialty/best form)
  4. 型の解説 (Narration on Kata)

組手 Kumite

  1. 自由組手 Jiyu Kumite


6-dan is granted to those who devote their lives to karatedo training, and mentally and technically have reached a high level.

型 Kata

  1. 指定型 Designation
    松濤流26型・順路初段〜順路五段 Shoto 26 Kata・Junro shodan〜godan 
  2. 選定型 Self Selection
    常行一勢〜五勢 Jokou 1sei〜5sei 鶴翼初段〜三段 Kakuyoku shodan〜sandan
  3. 得意型 トクイカタ Tokui-Kata (Specialty/best form)
  4. 型の解説 (Narration on Kata)

研究発表 Research announcement


7-dan is granted to those who devote their lives to karatedo training, and mentally and technically have matured at a high level.

型 Kata

  1. 指定型 Designation
    Junro shodan〜odan・Joko 1sei〜5sei・kakuyoku shodan〜sandan 
  2. 得意型 トクイカタ Tokui-Kata (Specialty/best form)
  3. 型の解説 (Narration on Kata)

研究発表 Research announcement


8-dan is granted to those who devote their lives to karatedo training, and mentally and technically have matured at a first-rate level.

師範会推薦 Shihankai recommendation


9-dan is granted to those who have accomplished the ultimate understanding of karatedo.

師範会推薦 Shihankai recommendation


10-dan is granted to those who have accomplished the ultimate understanding of karatedo, and are extraordinary.

師範会推薦 Shihankai recommendation

Required timeframe for acquiring Dan ranking

  1. Those whose karatedo training history is over 2 years, as well as those who are certified for Ikkyu can apply for Shodan trial.
  2. There must be at least 2 years between acquiring Shodan and applying for Nidan.
  3. There must be at least 2 years between acquiring Nidan and applying for Sandan.
  4. There must be at least 3 years between acquiring Sandan and applying for Yondan.
  5. There must be at least 4 years between acquiring Yondan and applying for Godan.
  6. There must be at least 5 years between acquiring Godan and applying for Rokudan.
  7. There must be at least 6 years between acquiring Rokudan and applying for Nanadan, and must be 41 years or above in age.
  8. There must be at least 7 years between acquiring Nanadan and applying for Hachidan, and must be 50 years or above in age.
  9. There must be at least 8 years between acquiring Hachidan and applying for Kyudan, and must be 60 years or above in age.
  10. There must be at least 9 years between acquiring Kyudan and applying for Jyudan.

Shihan Title

Karate Shihan title is given to those who have karatedo dan ranking 7-dan or above, and an approval from the Technical Office and Shuseki Shihan.

  1. Must be able to participate in the shihan title certification seminar
  2. Must be able to complete the course set by the seminar
  3. Obtain a certificate of completion for the course and receive an official certificate for the title 

The certificates are in Master Asai's original hand-writing.